Does Auto Insurance Cover Fender-Benders?

Many drivers in Waldron, AR will inevitably experience a fender-bender if they drive long enough. It’s important to ensure your auto insurance provides coverage for fender-benders. Fortunately, many policies do.

Collision Coverage

Whether your auto insurance covers fender-benders predominantly depends on whether you have collision coverage. Collision coverage helps pay for repairs to your vehicle in case of an accident, including minor accidents like a fender-bender. This coverage is typically applicable irrespective of who is at fault.

Insurance Claim

However, having collision coverage doesn’t always mean you should file a claim after a fender-bender. Deciding to file a claim depends on multiple factors.

The most important factor is the cost of damage relative to your deductible. If the repair cost is equal to or less than your deductible, paying out-of-pocket might be more cost-effective than filing a claim. A deductible is what you pay out-of-pocket.

Remember, filing a claim may lead to heightened premiums in the future. Consider whether the potential increase exceeds the difference between your damage and deductible. You may want to cover repairs yourself. Conversely, filing a claim may be more worthwhile if the insurance payout surpasses a possible premium increase.

Get Help With Auto Insurance

At The Owens Agency LLC, we’ve assisted many Waldron, AR drivers in making this decision. If you choose to buy a policy from us, we will gladly help you.

To select a policy that includes collision coverage, contact one of our agents at The Owens Agency LLC. We’ll ensure you get the right auto insurance.