Why Trucking Insurance Is Essential for Long-Distance Haulers

Long-distance trucking is more than a job—it’s a lifestyle. Whether you’re transporting freight across state borders or delivering goods to isolated areas, the road presents its own set of risks. At The Owens Agency LLC in Waldron, AR, we comprehend truckers’ unique challenges and recognize the importance of having the right insurance coverage for protection.

Understanding the Risks of Long-Distance Hauling

Endless hours on the road expose you to unpredictable weather, dangerous driving conditions, and potential accidents. Even the most seasoned drivers can’t control all variables, and a single incident could lead to expensive repairs, lost cargo, or even legal liabilities. Without adequate trucking insurance, you could face substantial financial setbacks that could jeopardize your business.

Comprehensive Coverage of Trucking Insurance

A robust trucking insurance policy does more than just cover your vehicle. It can shield you from liability claims if you’re involved in an accident, cover the cost of repairing or replacing your truck, and even provide compensation for lost or damaged cargo. Depending on your policy, you may also have coverage for breakdown assistance, medical expenses, and uninsured motorists. Understanding your coverage options can help you avoid unforeseen expenses and keep your business operating smoothly.

Securing Long-Term Protection with Insurance

Having the right insurance isn’t just about meeting legal requirements but safeguarding your livelihood. Accidents and breakdowns can occur anytime, but with a comprehensive trucking insurance policy, you can navigate the road confidently.

At The Owens Agency LLC in Waldron, AR, we specialize in assisting truckers to find the coverage that suits their needs. Contact us today to discuss your options and ensure you’re fully protected for the journey ahead.

How to Make a Claim With Home Insurance

As a homeowner, you know you have the option to make a claim, but do you know what the actual process looks like when tragedy strikes? Below are the steps to filing a claim with your home insurance company that are most efficient for everyone involved.

1. Take Pictures

Before you make a claim, gather pictures and all information so that you can upload it to the claim. Also, collect a copy of any accident report related to the incident that might have been filed.

2. Submit Your Claim

You can either call the main number to speak to a representative about the claim or upload your information online for most companies and file the claim online. Depending on whether you call or submit the claim online, there will still be a link for you to post pictures and any other documentation, like an accident report, to upload with your claim.

3. Contact Your Agent and Adjuster

Once you make your claim, you should be in contact with an adjuster shortly to come out and look at the damage. If you haven’t heard from anyone within 48 business hours, call your agent back or contact the adjuster on file who may have been assigned to your case. You can find this information in your insurance portal, or by calling your agent back for a follow-up.

4. Get Notice of Your Claim

After the adjuster has visited the property and assessed the claim, you should have some resolution within five business days. Based on your claim’s approval, you can move forward with having your home repaired or follow up with the agent if they have a specific contractor in mind.

If you have more questions about home insurance or how to file a claim, we’re happy to help at The Owens Agency LLC. If you’re in the area surrounding Waldron, AR, contact us today for more information.

Benefits of Comprehensive Auto Insurance in Waldron, AR

As a driver in Waldron, AR, protecting yourself from unexpected accidents, collisions, or rare incidents is crucial. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your protection and coverage on the road, comprehensive auto insurance is a great option. It safeguards your vehicle and investment from unforeseen accidents, weather-related incidents, and theft, providing you with peace of mind whenever you’re driving.

Understanding Comprehensive Auto Insurance

Comprehensive auto insurance goes beyond traditional protection to cover unexpected accidents, disputes, theft, burglary, and even weather-related damage. It complements collision and liability insurance, making it ideal for those who want to maximize their coverage.

Why Comprehensive Insurance is Beneficial

It’s essential to understand why comprehensive insurance is beneficial for drivers in Waldron, AR, whether you drive for work or have multiple drivers in your household.

  • Weather Incidents: Comprehensive coverage can cover damage to your vehicle caused by hail, heavy rain, unpredictable storms, debris, and even flooding.
  • Theft/Vandalism: Comprehensive insurance provides added protection against vandalism and theft incidents.
  • Financial Security: Comprehensive policies alleviate worry and stress related to your coverage, especially after an accident or any damage to your car or truck.
  • Animal-Related Coverage: Traditional auto insurance policies do not always cover animal collisions. Comprehensive policies ensure protection in such cases.

Driving with confidence in Waldron, AR, requires the right insurance policy for you and your household. To learn more about comprehensive auto insurance policies that meet your coverage needs and align with your budget, contact The Owens Agency LLC today for a consultation.

Trucking Insurance for Different Types of Cargo

If you require trucking insurance, you might not be aware that different insurance options are available depending on the type of load or cargo you haul. At The Owens Agency LLC, serving the greater Waldron, AR area, we aim to help you find the right insurance products. Here’s more information about trucking insurance for various types of cargo.

Insurance for Fragile Items

If you’re transporting fragile items like glass or electronics, trucking insurance can protect them from damage. If something breaks during transit, the insurance can help cover the cost of repair or replacement.

Insurance for Dangerous Goods

Trucking insurance covers additional risks when transporting hazardous items like chemicals or fuel. If there’s a spill or accident, the insurance helps pay for the cleanup and any resulting damage.

Insurance for Perishable Items

If you’re transporting perishable items like food or medicine that need to stay fresh, trucking insurance can cover you if the items spoil. This is crucial if the cargo needs to be kept at a specific temperature, like refrigerated goods.

Insurance for Expensive Cargo

Trucking insurance provides extra protection for valuable items like jewelry or high-tech equipment. If these items get stolen or damaged, the insurance helps cover the replacement cost

Insurance for Regular Cargo

Trucking insurance protects your cargo from damage, theft, or loss of everyday items like furniture or tools. This way, no matter what you’re transporting, you can be confident it’s covered during the journey.

The right trucking insurance is essential to protect your truck and fully load it. At The Owens Agency LLC, serving the greater Waldron, AR area, we can help you find the coverage you need. Contact us today to get started.

What is covered on a standard home insurance policy, and what’s not?

At The Owens Agency LLC in Waldron, AR, we understand that understanding what is and isn’t covered by a home insurance policy can be confusing. Our agency is staffed with licensed, experienced insurance agents who are well-versed in home insurance, and we’re here to share our knowledge with you.

What is covered in a standard home policy?

A standard homeowner insurance policy typically covers the structure of your home, other structures on your property (like a detached garage or shed), and your personal belongings inside your home.

You can also expect coverage for additional living expenses incurred while your home is uninhabitable and being repaired. These expenses may include extra mileage to work, transportation costs, rent, hotel, food, and pet boarding expenses. These are covered if a covered peril, such as fire, windstorm, lightning damage, explosion, hail, vehicle damage, vandalism, water damage from pipes, falling objects, or the weight of ice and snow on your roof, damages your home.

A standard home insurance policy also covers liability for others injured on your property and legal expenses needed to settle the dispute.

What isn’t covered by a standard home policy?

A standard home policy does not cover earthquakes and floods, but they can be added for an additional cost. Furthermore, standard home insurance policies don’t cover intentional damage, sewage backups, pest infestations, everyday wear and tear, and anything else specifically listed in your policy conditions. Lastly, high-value artwork and jewelry may be covered, but strict coverage limits may exist.

For more information on home insurance

At The Owens Agency LLC in Waldron, AR, we understand you may have more questions about home insurance coverage. We’re here to answer all of them and help you make a well-informed decision about your policy. Call us today at (479) 637-2207.

Insuring a Brand New Car? 3 Factors to Consider

If you’re buying a brand-new car, you’ll need to shop for insurance. Auto insurance is a requirement for driving a vehicle, and if you don’t have any, you’ll need to purchase a policy before you drive a car off the lot. Even if you already have insurance, upgrading your insurance to get more comprehensive coverage might be beneficial.

The insurance agents at The Owens Agency LLC, servicing Waldron, AR, can assist you. We provide auto insurance for the people of Waldron and can help you find the right policy for your needs. Below are three things to consider when deciding what type of insurance to get for your new car.

1. Your Auto Lender Will Require Comprehensive Coverage

If you’re borrowing money to pay for your brand-new car, your auto lender will require you to have comprehensive coverage. Even if you’re paying for your vehicle in cash and don’t have a lender, you may still want to get comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage offers the highest level of financial protection against covered events for a valuable vehicle like a brand-new car.

2. Find an Independent Insurance Agent

Get an insurance policy with an independent insurance agent. Your agent can produce quotes from multiple insurance carriers to help you find a policy that fits your budget and needs. The agents at The Owens Agency LLC, servicing Waldron, AR, work with multiple carriers and can help you get the best policy for your new vehicle.

3. Shop Around Before Going to Buy Your Car

If you’re buying a car for the first time, you’ll need to get an insurance policy before driving off the lot. Shopping around before buying your car makes it easier to find the best policy. Call today to learn more.

What insurance do I need for my new trucking company?

Starting a new company is always challenging; trucking is among the more complex businesses. As far as insurance goes, new trucking companies need core policies covering the issues faced by companies in any industry. Plus, some insurance needs are specific to the trucking industry and its risks, including some legally required of interstate motor carriers. If you have questions about your business’s recommended or required insurance, talk to our Owens Agency LLC team serving Waldron, AR.

Core Commercial Insurance

A new business operating in almost any industry should consider a core set of policies that include:

  • General liability insurance covering injuries and damages to third parties
  • Commercial property insurance covers physical property, goods, gear, inventory, business interruption, and other elements. (You may combine general liability and commercial property in a BOP or Business Owners Policy.)
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Cyber Insurance
  • Other coverage, such as Inland Marine Insurance

Commercial Trucking Insurance

New trucking company owners also need coverage specific to the trucking business:

  • Primary liability: injuries or property damage caused by your truck(s)
  • Physical damage: damage to your vehicles
  • Motor truck cargo: Losses to cargo from theft or disasters
  • Reefer breakdown: Losses due to refrigerated trailer failure
  • Bobtail insurance: cover the truck operating without a trailer
  • Under and uninsured motorist coverage

Insurance companies bundle these elements differently, and your needs will vary with the products you carry and where you take them, so it’s best to talk with a knowledgeable agent.

Working with The Owens Agency LLC

The Owens Agency LLC team proudly serves Waldron, AR. Let us apply our commercial insurance experience to structure a commercial trucking insurance plan to protect your business. Call us at (479) 637-2207 to discuss your insurance needs and options.

Choosing Between a Carport or Garage for Your Home

One of the best additions you can make to your home is a carport or garage. They will protect your vehicles and give you additional storage space. If you know you want to add one but aren’t sure which, use these differences to help you make a decision. 

1. Enclosed or Not

One of the biggest differences between a carport and a garage is the walls and doors. A carport is usually just a shelter attached to the house, or it can be freestanding, and you park your car beneath it. Some carports have a built-in room, but it’s open, and you can’t close it like a garage. A garage will have all sides enclosed with a door. 

2. Cost

Another significant difference between the two is the cost. Because the carport is smaller and doesn’t have walls on all sides, it is usually cheaper to build. A garage will be a more expensive project, but if you want a fully secure area, you’ll want to go with the garage. It’s important to note that a carport can be built much quicker and has fewer code regulations than a garage. 

3. Storage

If you’re looking for a place to store just your car and nothing else, you only need a carport. However, with a garage, you can take advantage of the walls in the space and use it for storage for your things that belong outside and recreational items that aren’t usually kept in the house. Garages can also be a part of your security system, whereas a carport can only be managed by a camera. 

If you’re in the Waldron, AR, area and looking for a new home insurance policy, contact us at The Owens Agency LLC today for more information on a personal quote. 

Does Auto Insurance Cover Fender-Benders?

Many drivers in Waldron, AR will inevitably experience a fender-bender if they drive long enough. It’s important to ensure your auto insurance provides coverage for fender-benders. Fortunately, many policies do.

Collision Coverage

Whether your auto insurance covers fender-benders predominantly depends on whether you have collision coverage. Collision coverage helps pay for repairs to your vehicle in case of an accident, including minor accidents like a fender-bender. This coverage is typically applicable irrespective of who is at fault.

Insurance Claim

However, having collision coverage doesn’t always mean you should file a claim after a fender-bender. Deciding to file a claim depends on multiple factors.

The most important factor is the cost of damage relative to your deductible. If the repair cost is equal to or less than your deductible, paying out-of-pocket might be more cost-effective than filing a claim. A deductible is what you pay out-of-pocket.

Remember, filing a claim may lead to heightened premiums in the future. Consider whether the potential increase exceeds the difference between your damage and deductible. You may want to cover repairs yourself. Conversely, filing a claim may be more worthwhile if the insurance payout surpasses a possible premium increase.

Get Help With Auto Insurance

At The Owens Agency LLC, we’ve assisted many Waldron, AR drivers in making this decision. If you choose to buy a policy from us, we will gladly help you.

To select a policy that includes collision coverage, contact one of our agents at The Owens Agency LLC. We’ll ensure you get the right auto insurance.

Insurance Requirements For Box Truck Owners

Many businesses and independent contractors in Waldron, AR, use box trucks in various ways. They’re useful for transporting goods to warehouses, stores, or customers. Like any vehicle, a box truck needs the right insurance coverage to satisfy legal requirements in Arkansas. Standard auto insurance usually isn’t adequate for this purpose.

What’s Required?

State law requires box truck operators to carry liability insurance. It generally covers damage and injuries others suffer in an at-fault accident. However, this basic type of policy doesn’t insure the property of the box truck owner. Additional coverage is needed if you want to protect your cargo or the truck itself.

Possible Requirements

Depending on the circumstances, you may be required to carry more than just a basic liability policy. You’ll probably need comprehensive and collision insurance if you lease your box truck or use a loan to purchase it. Refer to the lease or loan documents for more information about these requirements.

The federal government may require additional coverage if you transport cargo to/from another state or carry hazardous materials to any destination. Depending on where you travel and the types of items that you transport in a box truck, you might need extra liability protection and/or cargo insurance to satisfy the federal requirements.

The experienced insurance professionals at The Owens Agency LLC can help you find trucking insurance that complies with these laws and sufficiently protects your commercial vehicle. We make it easy to compare coverage options from multiple major insurers. The Owens Agency LLC staff members benefit from more than five decades of relevant experience. Please call 479-637-2207 to reach our office in Waldron, AR.