Insurance Adjustments for Your Finished Basement

Deciding to have your basement finished may require purchasing more home insurance coverage. Review some adjustments that will protect your basement and its personal property. 

Liability Protection

If the basement project is going to take a while to complete, there is a risk of damage or injury occurring while the project is underway. Liability protection will cover you against mishaps that take place on your property.

For instance, if someone falls and gets injured, the liability protection will cover costs associated with the injury. If you are hiring a contractor to finish your basement, make sure that they have adequate insurance coverage before the project begins.

Personal Property

Finishing your basement will likely mean that you will be moving quite a bit of personal property into the modified living space. For this reason, you may want to insure the items that will be stored in the basement. Personal property protection will cover items that could potentially be damaged or stolen. 

Structural Components

It is wise to keep track of the structural materials you will acquire for the basement renovation. If the materials are susceptible to weather damage, they should be equipped with adequate insurance protection.

Keeping a list of each item you buy for the basement upgrade will help you determine the coverage needed for all the new materials. 

Additional Information About Insurance Products

At The Owens Agency LLC, our agents offer many home insurance products. Consult with one of our agents who serves the Waldron, AR, region. They will recommend upgraded insurance products that protect your basement during and after the renovation project.